Attention: Band Parents
Hello Band Parents! I hope all of you are looking forward to the end of the school year! I am looking forward to a great start to the 2022 marching season for the Sidney Pride Marching Band. We had a fantastic year . . .

SWIBA Honor Band!
Christian Harris auditioned for SWIBA Honor Band on December 11th in Atlantic, Iowa. He was accepted into the Honor Band and was placed as 1st Chair. SWIBA Honor Band will take January 17th at Atlantic High School, and Christian will . . .

Congratulations to the Sidney High School Band/Choir Large Groups!
The Sidney High School Concert Band and Concert Choir performed at State Large Group Festival on Friday, May7th, at Logan-Magnolia High School. The Concert Band received I ratings from all three judges, and the Concert Choir received I . . .

Solo Small Ensemble Results
Congratulations to the students who all received ratings of 1 at the Solo Small Ensemble contest! Christian Harris- Percussion Solos, Sailor Lovett- Flute and Vocal Solos, Donavon Racine- Saxophone . . .
Help us Raise Money for New Band Uniforms
October 13, 2017 The Band program in Sidney has a storied history of excellence in the community, as well as in Southwest Iowa. The band program graduates a special type of student – one that is . . .
Beauty And The Beast
March 24th and 25th the high school put on Beauty And The Beast. The students did a fantastic job. Congratulations on a job well done to the students, directors and everyone else who contributed to set and costume design to . . .
Sidney Music Students to Perform at State Large Group Festival
The Sidney High School Band and High School Choir will be performing at State Large Group Festival at Logan Magnolia High Shcool on Friday, May 6th. The Band students will leave at 3:45, and perform at 6:40 in the LO-MA gym. The . . .
Honor Band & Choir Students
On January 21, Dakota Lang, Genna Crom, Jared Crom, and Autumn Graham attended Southwest Iowa Honor Choir. The students rehearsed at Iowa Western Community College all day, and then put on a concert that evening. . . .
Jr High CC Vocal Festival
The Jr. High Corner Confrence Vocal festival will be held at Sidney on Monday October 26, 2015. Concert @ 5:00 pm