NHS Induction Ceremony
The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony was Wednesday, February 2. Current Members: Cole Stenzel, Garett Phillips, Faith Brumbaugh, Matty Christianson, Sheridyn Oswald, Harley Spurlock, Kyle Beam, and Makenna Laumann all had parts . . .

Revolutionary Soldier visits Mrs. Focht's class
On Friday, January 28th, Living Historian Sterling Fichter from Randolph, Iowa, visited Mrs. Focht's 8th Grade English Class. Her 8th Grade Class is currently reading a book set during the Revolutionary War. During his visit, Mr. Fichter . . .

Donation to Art Club
The Waubonsie Saddle Club made a donation to the Sidney Jr. High/High School Art Department. Gail Younts, Art Teacher (pictured on the right) recently completed painting one of the boots that will be displayed in Sidney for the . . .